Use the Contact Us page to email the chapter leadership team.
President, Communications Chair
Brandon Jeralds, CSP, ARM, CIT
1st Vice President
JD Horst, CSP
2nd Vice President, Golf Outing Chair
Greg Meyer, CSP, CIT
Mariane Magbanua
Treasurer, Advisory Group Member
Brenda Allard, MBA, CET, CSP
Assistant Treasurer
Heather Stepan-Paar
Membership Chair
Paris Galmore
Advisory Group Member
Rob Zima
Program Chair
J.D. Horst, CSP, CSHO, CFI-I, LEAN6σ
Audit Chair and Honors/Awards Chair
Mery Sennett
Awards Co-Chair
Micah Highland, MFH Promotions
Audit Co-Chair
Patrick Genovese
Chicagoland Conference Planning Chair
Eric Hedman
Chicagoland Conference Planning Chair
Jim Stennett