Chapter President Message

First, I am proud to announce the Three Rivers Chapter has once again earned the Platinum level chapter recognition, for the 7th consecutive year! Thank you to all of our Three Rivers members that make our Chapter great! 

Additionally, I want to thank our past President, Rob Zima, for his leadership the past two years and helping the chapter earn that level of recognition. I also want to thank the previous board for all of their work and dedication to keep our chapter running smoothly and putting out terrific technical meetings. 

Follow us on instagram, Facebook, and our new LinkedIn page! 

Lastly, I want to introduce myself as incoming President. My name is Brandon Jeralds and I am excited to lead our chapter this year. The Three Rivers Chapter has put together a great lineup of technical meetings again this year. The topics are below. Watch your emails for registration details. I look forward to meeting as many people as possible at our meetings. 

Brandon Jeralds, CSP, CIT, CUSP, EPSE, ARM

ASSP Three Rivers – President