
Our Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals makes no warranty implied or expressed to the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any information provided in the sites shown below. These links are provided for informational purposes only.

Instagram for Three Rivers Chapter Members

Visit and follow us @assp_three_rivers_chapter

Facebook Page for Three Rivers Chapter Members

Visit and “Like” the Facebook page for Three Rivers Chapter

LinkedIn Group for Three Rivers Chapter Members

Visit the LinkedIn Group for Three Rivers Chapter Members

This group was created exclusively for members of the Three Rivers Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers to discuss the issues and challenges facing the safety profession, exchange job leads and technical information, and network with colleagues in the area.  To join ASSE, and become a chapter member, visit If you’re already a chapter member, send your request to join our LinkedIn Group to

ASSP Links
Cold Stress
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Emergency Planning & Response
Fire Prevention
Free Safety Talk Bulletins
Governmental Affairs
Health Information
Industrial Hygiene
Radiation Protection
Regulations and Standards
Smoking Cessation
Transportation Resources
Weather Resources

Disclaimer: The hyperlinks on this page will take you to websites that are not controlled by the Three Rivers Chapter and their appearance here is not intended to endorse the website or its content. Rather, they are offered for your convenience in accessing information relevant to the practice of safety, health and environmental protection. These links are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all sources of relevant information and there may be other websites that offer additional information. Three Rivers Chapter takes no responsibility for the views, content or accuracy of the information presented by an external website.